I’m pretty ashamed to come back to my site and make my first post in nearly 7 years. I have no *good* excuse for being gone so long. Besides the fact that I do not find the same joy in blogging as I do in being creative in other ways.

BUT, I have a great reason for returning.

For years I ran away from furthering my education because I didn’t want any more educational debt. I stacked up enough debt while obtaining my bachelors degree. Not as much as others, I am aware. I’m grateful for that.

Last summer I stopped making excuses and applied for a program that I had been researching for years. It was finally time to make that leap. I chose Western Carolina University’s Masters of Innovative Leadership and Entrepreneurship (MILE).

I am currently enrolled in a course titled Entrepreneurial Innovation (ENT 601-50). This course has led me back to my blog. Sorry if you are chocking on the dust.

Over the next fe weeks I will be posting my responses to books I am reading, assignments that I am completing or maybe just to say hi.

Happy reading!

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1 Comment

  1. Elaina, congrats on taking that leap. I also had the same issue when researching schools and masters programs. It’s hard especially if you want to start a business to rationalize spending more money or going more in debt which can realistically/theoretically/potentially push you further away from business loans. I can only speak for myself but unfortunately I didn’t come from a lot of money and my monetary success is solely on my shoulders. This is a huge investment in your future and you should be SO proud of yourself.

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