I write on napkins for everything. The first time I wrote on a napkin, I was telling an ex boyfriend why he was insane for …
Do It Yourself

DIY – Push Pin Board
This is a recycled project. I originally made this oversized piece with the damask pattern for the headboard over the platform bed I also “Did …

DIY: Dining Room Chair Reupholstry
I was fortunate to be given a dining room table with 6 chairs. The wood had a 70s, maybe 80s, look to it. It had …

DIY – Coffee Table
This is the first DIY project that I mentioned from Pinterest. It was super easy to make as well. Probably easier than the wine rack because …

DIY: End Table Pair
I can’t tell you how palette crazy I am! I think it was the cutest idea to create functional pieces from reclaimed wood, palettes, old …

DIY: Wine Rack with Stemware Storage
I AVOIDED joining Pinterest for months, close to a year, because I didn’t feel like I needed another addiction! I finally caved in when a …